Patrick K. Beith
Patrick's love of sports, his curiosity about different training methods, and his intense interest in improving
sports performance all began while a student athlete at North Attleboro High School. While his natural talent
and attraction to sports helped him achieve school, league, and state records in track and field, it was the
coaching staff of both the football and track teams that guided his success.Young Alumni Award 2012 Fortunate to be coached by two Hall of Famers, Ray Beaupre and Dwight Estey, Pat also took to the leadership of coaches like Don Johnson, Paul Sullivan, Jack Johnson, Jeff Grant, and Jason Gittle. These coaches created an environment that helped Pat strive to attain his goals, "made [him] feel a part of a team, made [him] feel important, made [him] want to work hard, and help set the foundation for [his] success." Since graduating from NAHS in 1996, Patrick received his Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Physiology from UMass Amherst, then moved on to become manager of the largest personal training firms in Boston, MA, where he created their sports training department. Since then, he has run countless successful sports camps, clinics and seminars throughout the U.S., and has earned numerous highly regarded training certifications such as NSCA-CSCS, NASM-PES, ACSM–HFI, IYCA-YFSII and two USATF Level II certifications. Currently, Patrick is the co-owner of Athletes Acceleration, which is a leading sports performance education company that has over 110,000 subscribers and has sold training products to over 100 countries. In addition to Athletes Acceleration, he is an owner of the International Youth Conditioning Association (IYCA), the top youth training certification company, and is an owner of Athletic Revolution, the second largest sport training franchise company in the country. Along with successfully operating these businesses, Patrick has written numerous articles on training that have been featured in many publications including Men's Health and Men's Fitness magazines. Also, he has written a training book for the USA Track & Field Organization, and he has created several athletic training products that have been sold worldwide. In addition to this work, Pat is also known for his product marketing and has been hired by elite fitness professionals and sports coaches (including coaches that are, or were, in the NFL, MLB, NHL and the Olympics) to direct their online marketing campaigns. Patrick has created a career that blends his passion for bettering athletes' performances with his strong desire to enhance multiple aspects of the sports performance world. In the process, he has brought honor to both his academic and athletic education from NAHS, as well as to his personal and professional communities. Pat married Janet Pailes Beith ('91), and welcomed their first child, Donovan Kingston, this year. The Beith family lives in the area, and appreciates the North Attleboro community of teachers, students, coaches, athletes and residents. According to Patrick, in this community "everyone looks out for each other, genuinely pulls for you to succeed, and comes together during tragedy. I have seen it countless times and continue to be amazed watching the community's support of each other." |
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